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The Windows 10 operating system accompanies an inbuilt feature that automatically locks the PC – for the current user – after the maximum number of failed login attempts is reached. Remember, the total number of failed login attempts in Windows 10 isn’t consistent as you can manually set or change this number using Local Security Policy . Resources Windows 10 Change Press and Hold Duration for Right-clicking on Win 10 By default, you can press and hold on a Windows 10 tablet to realize a right-click action. Moreover, you are able to customize the amount of time between press and hold, following the instruction below. 停留在Windows 10的下载页面,然后点击Chrome的菜单键,在“更多工具”中点开“开发者工具”,也可以直接通过快捷键“Ctrl+Shift+I”来呼出。 找到开发者工具
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